Engaging Heritage Church International

Streaming online

Engaging God's people

Sunday Service

Sun 10:00am

Spend time with Bishop & Lady Walker as they lead God's people into purpose, in love with God's word. You will be rooted and grounded in the truth, ready to face challenges and assured in your convictions!

Youth Service

Sun 10:45am

From 2 years of age through college, our Youth leaders are excited to prepare the next batch of God's leaders for the future. We take the more dynamic and interesting approaches in making the word of God come alive, relate to the present and give hope, understand and assurance of their future in Christ.

Leadership Training

2nd & 4th Sun 8:30am

Training and developing God's people to function at optimum level - being balance in both their private world and public.

Bible Study

Wed 7:30pm

To study is to know... and that's exactly what happens during our Mid Week Bible Study. We journey through the Word of God, exploring and expanding teachings that spark conversations and motivate growth.

Women's Fellowship

1st Saturday's Monthly | 9am

Come hang out for the Coffee & Conversations - even in a digital platform! Every 1st Saturday monthly, we are gathering to ensure women have a space to being their whole selves, share and grow!

Men's Fellowship

1st Saturday Monthly | 9am

Just as our women, so the men huddle over food, enjoy some fun all while fellowshipping one with another. Be blessed and a blessing and join us ON-SITE (Virtual component coming soon). Why? We also have outings that just do not work virtually!

Day of Prayer

December 13, 2024 | 7pm

Join us December 13th @ 7pm for live prayer - A Call for Corporate Prayer: On The Threshing Floor!

pandemic or not, we are your home church - online or on-site!

Bishop & Lady Walker Senior Pastors

Heritage Church International is a cutting edge church removing all barriers to ensure that save and unsaved, have the opportunity to receive the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - The Truth! Our youth team have special breakout sessions that meet the need for all.

Be sure to join our dynamic and engaging services!

Anytime. Anywhere.

Engaging Heritage Church International

OnDemand videos

Regardless of location

Missed a service? No problem! Heritage has an OnDemand service where you can watch what you want... when you want... AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!